Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Tim kissed a baby alligator
He didn't do this for me
He didn't do this because he's always wanted to kiss a gator
He did this because he knew his kids would get a kick out of it

kids push us outside of our bounds

 I once dressed up in a dress that was too small
and a head band that had yellow yarn braids
and I wore this get up on a 250 mile road trip
to visit my older brother
in Mitchell SD
I even stopped to pump gas
The occasion?
My birthday
My kids bought me the dress
and the headband for my birthday
they thought I looked beautiful

Every year Tim takes Quinn to a ballet in Mpls
I asked him if he enjoys the ballet
He said, Not really, but Quinn sure does
they make it a date 
 dinner and the ballet

 Quinn had her first dance recital 6 years ago
we learned they also had "dancing dads" 
Tim said, yeah he could do that
As long as Quinn danced he'd dance too
He's an introvert
this is truly a gift for his daughter
The dads rehearse every Sunday
Wear costumes
Dance in 6 shows on recital weekend 
this year he wears a tutu

You know what else we do?
We play hide and go seek in the dark
in our house
every winter
it's a winter sport

kids push us out of our bounds
What bounds have kids helped you move beyond?


The Beaded Pillow said...

What an incredible family you have. You and your kids are blessed to the nth to have eachother. PS: Do you still wear that headband?

The Shaws said...

Every year we have field day at school. A day where all the kids get to compete outside in different activities. A spirit award was up for grabs this year! My kids wanted to win. So...we tie-dyed t-shirts purple/blue...all 23 of us...shirts...paint...and fun! This was the first time I did this....I was out of my comfort zone! The shirts turned out great, we called each other "The Royal Bees". We had a cheer and everything! We didn't win the spirit contest, but our shirts sure did!!