Monday, May 30, 2011

ARe YoU OnE OF THosE pEoPLe?!

"Horse People"
I am not one of these
But I hung around them for a few hours on Saturday
They ride horses
They love their horses
They know what to do around horses
So. . . why was I hanging in their crowd?
Well, I was asked to photograph
Horse things that look like letters of the alphabet
Since I own nothing that could pass as horse stuff
I ventured into new territory
Gold Mine!!!
I found lots of new letters for my collection
Met some great "horse people"

I know "photography people"
we have "photo speak"
I'm still learning, 
But I'm starting to understand more all the time
I am starting to feel like one of them
f-stop, aperature, high key lighting, soft box, stop down
fill light, post process, RAW, jpeg, shutter speed
 . . . sexy language huh?

I have a lot of "dog people" in my neighborhood
I guess in my family actually
I'm not one of them
I don't quite get the draw?
Dogs seem like a lot of work to me
they bark
they poop in the yard
they eat stuff, chew, wreck furniture
But to "Dog  People" 
It's worth it
I just don't get it

I'm just glad we have all these different people
because we need each other
I need 
"computer people"
I wish I had 
"cleaning people"
My husband is part of the
"concrete sequential people"
I love to hang with
"positive people"
I stay away from
"negative downer type folks"

Who are your people?
Who are the people you need?
Who are the people you don't get?
Who are the people you stay away from?

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Somethings are just more fun with company
lots of company

You get to belong to the club
the doers
who did it

Saturday was a club of kids that
committed to run a marathon
a half mile at a time
kids as young as kindergarteners
pretty cool

I like belonging 
I'm part of a book club
A photography association
They call themselves the Cornbelt Photographers Association
I am a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer
and feel a connection to other RPCV's
We are a Honker Host Family

belonging is important
belonging can give you direction
belonging begins with a common ground

identify your common ground
places you've lived 


Where do you belong?

Friday, May 27, 2011

IF itS GOnNa HaPpEN . . . ItS BeCAusE of ME

Hours?  Are you kidding me?!
Sometimes what you want takes hours to achieve
I know this
But not so obvious to a 10 year old

These flowers are merely set in there perspective places
A design potential
with good soil, water and love they'll prosper
but not before effort
not before a couple hours of work

The vision is in the head
the flowers are set in a potential design
the tools are ready and waiting

it starts with the vision
I envisioned a couple Adirondack  chairs
ok honestly I've been envisioning the adirondack chairs for years now
but I've been waiting for them
I've been waiting for them to appear
sometimes you just can't wait
I think I'll own a pair of adirondack chairs
before the weekend is over
but only because I am taking action

When hints don't work
you gotta make it happen
if it's gonna happen

just because it's important to you
doesn't mean it's important to others

So. . . what will you make happen this weekend?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I miss too many opportunities

The baby bird picture above was an opportunity 
that fell in my lap
Last summer we replaced the deck boards
One at a time
We pulled up one particular board 
a robin nest with newly hatched babes
was sitting there
Get Your Camera!!!
 opportunity captured

There are also the opportunities that I consciously let pass
Those opportunities often involve a photo opportunity
I hate it when I don't recognize an opportunity
until it has passed
Like when family gets together
Like when friends get together

Some opportunities are unplanned and mean that I need 
To stop in my path or change course
Sometimes I'm just too lazy, late or self conscious
to do what it takes to get the picture

The thing is
when I pass up an opportunity
I may not get it back
the day will be different
It will never be what it was

I have become so much more aware of 
Since I started shooting pictures

Life Opportunities

Opportunities take risk
Peace Corp
taking a stand
raising your hand
saying your piece
speaking your mind
starting a business
trying something new
helping a friend
helping a stranger
taking a class
investing money
spending money

be wise
be aware
look for opportunities
an opportunity passed 
is an opportunity missed

what opportunity have you missed, regrettably?
what opportunity have you seized?
for better or worse

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

ThE THouGhT wAs BEaUtiFUl . . . THe FloWErS NoT SO mUcH

I love you more each day
Thanks for all you do
Love Tim
That was what the card said.
The flowers were from the "right flower shop"
The flowers were from LeJardin

Problem was. . . 
The flowers didn't look like flowers from Le Jardin
I have gotten flowers from Pat Heck's store for the last several years
And I am always Wowed
Yesterday I was not Wowed

Are the edges of the roses supposed to be browned?
The arrangement looked so . . . common
This is so not what I expect from Le Jardin
So, I made a phone call

Answering Machine
Hello, this is Le Jardin, please leave a message
"Pat, the surprise from Tim was wonderful"
"The flowers, not so wonderful"
"Are the edges of the flowers supposed to be brown?"
"Is the arrangement supposed to be so 'common'?"
Ok, I didn't really say that last line, but I was thinking it

Later in the evening
A personal call from Pat Heck
"I did not see the arrangement
My design assisstant put it together
Tracey, the edges are not supposed to be brown
Keep the arrangement you recieved
I'm sending you another"

The new arrangement came today
This is what I expect from LeJardin
Gorgeous, Fresh, a punch of Wow.

Thanks To my guy for showing me some love
Thanks to Pat for reminding me why she's my favorite flower shop

Monday, May 23, 2011

So WHat'S tHE StORy?

So do you ever just wonder  

Shoes on an Electric wire?
Dead Body in the Woods?
The Salsa Guy Has a Following
Why don't I like the salsa?
People actually think repealing the seat belt law is a good thing
The Twins are in a major losing slump
Justin Morneau has that obnoxious mustachie thing

You just don't know what you'll come across
Every single day I think
At least once

I am just in awe of what I see, hear or witness
Sometimes friends surprise me
Sometimes its strangers
Sometimes is large groups of people
I am in no way righteous
I am just an observer that is incredulous sometimes
Incredulous that I didn't realize other people
Lots of other people
Have  different values than I do on certain topics
different opinions

To all those people
and shoes
I just want to say
"What's the story?  Tell me more."

Sunday, May 22, 2011

LiFE Is A BaLL gAMe, YoU ARe the PiTCheR

All the eyes are on you
everyone is watching how you perform 
strike = good
ball = miss the target
hit = good if your defense can play it
home run = bad bad bad, ugh
grand slam = super bad, bummer

Metaphor for life
You are the pitcher
The ball is your actions
The batter is who or what you are interacting with

You want to throw strikes (do the right stuff)
You'll throw balls a lot - it's inevitable
Sometimes with the best intentions we just miss the target (foul)
If your actions take a hit you have to play it right
Be sincere, be honest and get the ball back in play 
(realign your actions)
A home run would mean your actions got away from you
The consequence is unacceptable
But you don't quit
A grand slam would be a major screw up
But you don't quit
Until the game has been played out 
And there is nothing left to do

Even at that point
You don't give up
There will be another batter
Another game

Learn from the previous batter
The previous game

Friday, May 20, 2011


If it were his sister's tutu 
I don't think it would have held half the charm
But this is his dad's tutu
How many boys can claim that?
I had this tutu made for Tim to wear
In the spring dance recital
The dancing dad routine included a tutu this year

Halloween is an invitation
Theme parties
 Sports events have this same insanity
Dressing crazy
It's an opportunity to go outside of our norm
or maybe a socially acceptable opportunity to
comfortably dress like we'd like to more often

get silly
be someone else for a day
be yourself for a day
be creative
hunt, scrounge, plan
build and make
it's work sometimes
but it's fun almost all the time
I dare ya

when did you
when will you
dress crazy?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

THe sMilE On HEr FaCe CovEReD UP thE DiScORd

The smile on her face covered up the discord

the hotel room thermostat malfunctioned
the temp during the night rose to 90 degrees
it couldn't be fixed
we changed rooms at 3am
we had 5 hours of sleep
and a fitful sweaty sleep at that

we were 2 hours from home
and 30 minutes until her solo
when she realized she didn't have
her lyrical dance shoes
another dancer loaned her shoes
its not the same
but they are shoes
they are lyrical shoes
they'll work

When she went on stage she danced like nobodies business
It's all in the practice
If you are ready and practiced and know your stuff
you can call upon it in times of stress

It's not faking it
It's making it

Being prepared and strong in what you do
Remembering why you do it
gets us through the hard times
the times when we feel like quitting and going home

But you know quitting and going home is not an option
Its not an option you want 
its not an option you'll choose

those ups and downs in life
prepare us for those ups and downs in life


It's just a ball game and only a little league game at that
or is it?
In Eli's eyes this is his future
Actually his future has many possible directions
MLB, NHL, or policeman with his buddy Luca
He was recently considering being a chef
but decided that was boring
Cooking in my house is nothing like
Buddy in Cake Boss

It is exciting to dream
It is more exciting to watch dreams take place
dreams take risk, luck, and determination

My dreams:
Peace Corps
Speak a second Language
Travel and live abroad
Marry a great guy
Grad School for both Tim and I
My Words by Tracey business
Photography business (dream in progress stage)
Family trip to Europe in four years (we started a Euro account)
Now the dreams are in large part kid centered
Help the kids develop into great people
Support the kids in their dreams
whatever they may be
as often as they change

today those dreams
professional sports
professional dancer
we'll see
the determination to reach the dream
has to come from within
the drive 
the courage
the dertermination

What are Your Dreams?
What are you doing to make it real?

Thursday, May 12, 2011

THe WhEEl of the TRactoR

The wagon was full of corn
we sat on the pile of corn
Grandpa drove the tractor
Our Destination 
Greenleafton, MN
When we got there 
the corn got ground at the mill
We got a spring grove soda
orange was my favorite

Cherry Grove 
 another favorite place
grandpa even had a shuffleboard. . .  (court?)
in the attic of the hen house

Grandpa drove the tractor
I sat on his knee
we parked on the side of the field
Grandpa walked into the field to . . . 
pick weeds, rocks, look around??
 I looked long and hard at the tractor

I started the tractor 
I'd seen grandpa do it a hundred times
I just pushed the button
It started right up
then I didn't know what to do
Grandpa looked up from the field
walked over 
he wasn't happy
He told me to go back to the house
it was a half mile walk 
up that gravel road to the farm house
I'm sorry grandpa
I was 8
I loved my grandpa
I loved being at the farm

Grandpa's farm holds great memories for me
Lawrence Welk
Rootbeer floats
The chicken coop
The barn
The smell of hay
The apple orchard
Getting water from the pump
The tin cup hanging from a wire hook
Grandma making homemade play dough
Juicy fruit gum
pink wintergreen mints

Memories, all of them
jogged today
by a picture of a tractor wheel

Look at something today
what does it bring back to you?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Tim kissed a baby alligator
He didn't do this for me
He didn't do this because he's always wanted to kiss a gator
He did this because he knew his kids would get a kick out of it

kids push us outside of our bounds

 I once dressed up in a dress that was too small
and a head band that had yellow yarn braids
and I wore this get up on a 250 mile road trip
to visit my older brother
in Mitchell SD
I even stopped to pump gas
The occasion?
My birthday
My kids bought me the dress
and the headband for my birthday
they thought I looked beautiful

Every year Tim takes Quinn to a ballet in Mpls
I asked him if he enjoys the ballet
He said, Not really, but Quinn sure does
they make it a date 
 dinner and the ballet

 Quinn had her first dance recital 6 years ago
we learned they also had "dancing dads" 
Tim said, yeah he could do that
As long as Quinn danced he'd dance too
He's an introvert
this is truly a gift for his daughter
The dads rehearse every Sunday
Wear costumes
Dance in 6 shows on recital weekend 
this year he wears a tutu

You know what else we do?
We play hide and go seek in the dark
in our house
every winter
it's a winter sport

kids push us out of our bounds
What bounds have kids helped you move beyond?

Monday, May 9, 2011


You just never know what you're going to see

You know, when you're in a different environment being open to things being different
comes a little more natural
Everyday walking around waiting for and expecting things to look and be different
 when in a foreign place or country 
it is easy to be forgiving of differences
or  is it just me
I love the differences

Palm Readers . . . 
are they gifted?
 or do they buy taro cards and directions on line?
Performance Art . . . . 
Do these guys look at themselves as artists?
or is painting yourself silver and posing
like a mannequin 
just a way to make a buck?

The hotel was on Bourbon Street
they don't apologize for the noise ALL night long
 the earplugs they left on the pillow
in a really cute little organza bag
 was my first clue
What's to apologize for? 
it's part of the experience
part of the story
part of the order of things in that environment

But please don't mess with my order of things 
in my environment
It doesn't make sense here
but could it?

Ask Why?

Why are you mad?
Why did you move my cheese?
Why isn't your homework done?
Why am I feeling discombobulated?
Why didn't I make the team?
Why didn't I get the job?
Why do you wear you pants around your knees?
When we know why
we know

and the order of things is revealed

Sunday, May 8, 2011

tHe VaCAtIOn

Larry Flint owned the place and his girls stayed there
Wouldn't that be a great byline to your vacation? 
I met a man in New Orleans that can use that byline

Tim and I were recently on vacation in New Orleans
He had a conference I went along as "the purse"
not as in the money in the purse
but more like the purse that makes the outfit complete

The Jazz Clubs in New Orleans are great
So I've been told
Problem is......
Tim and I couldn't stay awake late enough to go to one
Here's what I think...
Jazz Clubs need to have a 3:00pm set with an AARP discount

Everything looks better in beads
It's just obvious in New Orleans
At least in the weeks after Mardi Gras
the beads are everywhere
hanging from trees, plants, posts, balconies ....
Everything just looks better in beads

My vacation style has changed over the years
I want to relax
I want to taste the food
I want to meet the people
I want to explore
I want to read
I want to take pictures
I want to get comfortable in the environment
I want to give myself permission to
do everything or nothing
a vacation is as much about getting away
from the demands 
as it is about seeing the sights