Thursday, March 31, 2011

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


This Baby was 

so much fun to photograph

Love Love Love

This baby is adorable
Watching the mom interact with her baby
was heart warming

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

iN a yEaR

Things change in a year
Some things stay the same

Last year spring break was all about skate boards
This year it's baseball cards
Driveway basketball is getting a lot of attention
The skateboard is getting dusty
There is talk about Lacrosse
But that'll have to be in the future
because baseball
is baseball

Monday, March 28, 2011

GuMbAll MaCHinEs

When I see gumball machines I still think of pennies
When I see gumball machines I still think of gumballs
Gumball machines have changed a lot

First of all the gumballs are a lot bigger
Gumballs don't cost a penny any more
25 cents now 
The gumballs are often not gumballs
These machines that I still call gumball machines
Aren't always gumball machines
Have other stuff
bouncy balls
sweet tarts
hot tamales

I have no doubt the machines 
will change in our future
will entice our kids and grandkids

will hold???
What's your guess?

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Today someone asked me what I like to take pictures of
I couldn't answer right away
I had to think about my answer

My answer to her was
But that's not right

For me it's not WHAT I like to take pictures of
It's more of  HOW I like to take pictures
And WHY I like to take pictures

I try to take a picture that is interesting
I want the picture to create a reaction in the viewer

Reactions come from PERSPECTIVE
a story
time of day
Looking at things in a new way


Truck factories build trucks
After they are built they need to put them somewhere
So there is this great big lot 
Behind the truck factory
Hundreds of trucks lined up 

Rows and Rows of trucks
Mostly white

My dad says the rows of new trucks
is a litmus test of how well the business is doing

But what about the garbage?

Everyone has garbage

The juxtaposition of the clean white new trucks
Directly across the street
A junk yard
The Ghosts
The skeletons
A Llama?  That's cool. 

Kinda like life
The shiny new stuff is fun to show off
The house
The cars
The Diplomas
The job
The clothes
The talents
The vacations
The toys

But we all have a junk yard
with ghosts & skeletons
It's part of our history
It's part of who we are
Not very pretty
Kinda hard to look at
We don't show it to everyone
But there's some interesting stuff in there

Don't judge the junk yard
It's part of the journey

Just be careful what you put in there.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


I find old stuff beautiful
Full of character

There are stories and memories

If you look closely you can see a cool car here
This car was something in it's day

This car was someone's new car
It went on dates
Took vacations
Carried children with the windows down
Went to grandma's house 
Brought christmas presents to the family celebration
Drove the family to church on Sundays

The car got old
The people got a newer car
The old car sat

Now the old car is but a rusty momento
in  a field
on a back road
in a small country town
Dodge Center, MN
where only a curious passerby 
might find it
if they get off the road and wander

I was the lucky passerby
with my camera
willing to wander

Friday, March 25, 2011

The CoNTinuUM of SHoeS

My shoes laid out end to end

My shoes in a pile

20 pair
I'm thinking I am at the low end of average for the American woman
Maybe below average
I might be wrong
I don't feel like I have many shoes
compared to others I hear about

I always have a pair to wear
I usually buy several in the summer
Sidewalk sale downtown
at my favorite shoe store

Then I'll buy another pair
usually full price 
in the fall

I have two pair of tennis shoes
they both need to be replaced

Two pair of heels I am giving away tomorrow
they hurt my feet
I can't wear them

I wonder how many shoes my neighbors have
I wonder about my friends
I don't really care
I'm just curious
I'm curious of where I am in the continuum of shoes

Where are you?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

WhAt's DoWN ThERe?

Even without making decisions, conscious decisions
life is going in a direction
It is the cross sections of our decisions that often direct our lives
It is the who or what that crosses our path
New ideas
New people
New opportunities

One Tuesday in 1986 I went to work as a kindergarten teacher in Denver
I met a substitute teacher in the Teacher's lounge that day
He had just returned from the Peace Corps
I came home that same day
joined the Peace Corps
Changed my life

In 1990 I went to buy a car at Kuehn Motor in Rochester
I used to babysit for the owner
He directed me to a young salesman
my age
I bought a car from the young salesman
I asked him out on a date
Married the guy

Went for coffee with my husband a few years back
Stopped in to an open house on our way home
Bought the house
We weren't really house shopping
it was coffee

Life is interesting
What has directed or redirected your life?
What minor incidents led to a life changes?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I have waited for spring for a long time
I am still waiting

Waiting more would be good for us
the wait helps up appreciate the gift of whatever we are waiting for

My friend Harlan Wickre told me once that long stop lights
are good practice for patience - we need that

Many people don't enjoy the wait
What if we decided to enjoy the wait?

What if we carried a book with us at all times
or a camera
or a notebook
or just decided to sing as we wait

Having kids has allowed me to learn to wait
I wait in my car a lot
I wait in the car for the kids to get ready to leave the house
it's better than nagging
"I'll be in the car" a statement

I wait in parking lots
I wait in lobbies
In bleachers
in auditoriums

I meet people while I wait
I finish books while I wait
I take pictures while I wait
I sleep while I wait
I discover things while I wait
sometimes I explore while I wait

Today I played Angry Birds while I waited

How do you wait?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

ToDAy I BouGHt ....

Today I bought point shoes
a pair of jazz shoes
some rubbery toe cover things dancers sometimes wear
a bottle of pop

I read an article about a group of people
that committed to not spending any money for a month
They didn't buy anything unless it was a necessity

A necessity as defined by them
What would my necessities be?
Would I prep food for month?
Buy only fresh produce?

No eating out
No coffee from my favorite coffee shop
No impromptu grocery visit
I think I'd limit myself to one grocery visit a week
then I'm dependent on whatever the pantry holds
I suppose I'd even dig into that venison in the freezer

Judith Levine wrote a book 
"Not buying it: My year without shopping"
A year is a long time

April is just around the corner
I think ... maybe.... I'll give it a try for a month

Monday, March 21, 2011


Mind the Mailboxes
This has been a winter for the record books
ski heaven 
pot holes
record snow falls
mailbox casualties galore!!!

I found this poor guy laying in the street
I picked him up and placed him atop his post

I've seen mailboxes in all states of repair
bandaged in duct tape
mounted at the end of a long board stuck in a snow drift
laying on the snow
tied to a pole and a tree

It's been a tough year to be a mailbox
My mailbox has faired well
too well
I've been wanting a new box
something creative
something with flare
a flowerbox

I don't know how to build one
my husband could
but unless he sees the need.....

I think I'll have my mailbox around for a while yet

Sunday, March 20, 2011

IT All sTaRTeD wiTh a BiKE

Remember you first bike?
Mine was a green Schwinn

Good Things happen when you learn to bike
It's a path way to independence
Play with the big kids
Be a big kid

Melanie learned to ride to a bike
It led to good things
It led to many bikes
Many rides

One ride, a big kid ride
Ride the Rockies
350 miles
A ride with her dad

Ian was there
Nice guy

Fast Forward 2011
Ian and Melanie Get Married
A delicate bike theme
Texas wedding
Cowboy boots
A vintage orange schwinn stingray banana seat bike

Eli rides the bike in the wedding
Not the ring bearer
The Town Crier
"Here Comes the Bride!!!"

Good things start with a bike
Memories among them
What's yours?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

THe fiNAl sNoW of 2011 (i HoPE)

They say not to wish anything away.
But snow in Minnesota?
Have "they" ever been through a Minnesota Winter?
The snow has been incredulous this year.
Really something to behold.

With snow in today's forecast and the week ahead in the 50's
This could be nearing the end of our Winter
I don't mind snow.
I don't even mind cold on occasion
It's the long that gets to me.

Everything has a timeline.
Enough is enough
I love the first snowfall
I love the last snowfall
It's the five months in between that I don't care for.

I'm thinking this will be the last.
Please don't prove me wrong.

What has dragged on too long for you?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I DiD aND I dO and I'D Do IT AgAin

Will You Marry Me?
I don't know.
I'm scared.

 Let's get married.
I do.

You the introvert.
Me the extrovert.

Saturday is Cleaning Day.
You want to take over all the house cleaning.

I love hanging with you.
You support me.
You balance me.
You buy me flowers a couple times a year.

You let me grow.
You don't make me a cup of coffee every morning.

Something to look forward to.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Either team could have won this.
They were evenly matched.
The game went into double overtime.
We just happened to score first.
Game Over.

Why does all the gear come off when you win?
I guess it comes down to the need to throw something?

And if that's the case what do the soccer players throw when they win?

Oh, and remember it's not ok to throw things when you lose.
I agree with this, but why?
I suppose one is an expression of joy, the other of frustration.

Hope you win something today.
Let me know 
What you throw
to celebrate

Friday, March 4, 2011

LoVE YoU!!!

Tears ran down his cheeks as he opened the card and read the note.
The plain brown box.
The bright red ribbon.
The chocolate kisses inside.
Then the card.
A hand drawn heart by a 10 year old with mediocre drawing ability.
Then the note inside in the script of his son.
His son who makes spelling mistakes.
The spelling mistakes take nothing away from the heart felt meaning of the note.
The note that says it all.
He loves his dad.
He loves hockey.
He loves his dad for loving hockey.
He loves his dad for loving him and sharing his love of hockey.
He thanks God for it all.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

LiGHtiNg iS EvErYThiNG

If the lighting is right..... magic.
We all look better in good lighting.
We all feel better in good light; sun vs overcast.
Good lighting just makes you feel happy, sexy, awed, charmed.

As a parent I use lighting all the time in interactions with the kids.
I have to present things in "the right light"
It's an "art" that I am still practicing.
Sometimes I get it right and sometimes I don't

Chester's in Rochester has their lighting right. 
Especially around the bar.
You feel hip just being there.
We celebrated Dad's 77th birthday in the lighting at Chester's.
Happy Birthday Dad.

I like light.  
But I don't like light beer.

What light has moved you lately?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Hockey gear is necessary and mandated.
Every piece has a purpose.
The pads protect you, the skates allow you to glide across the ice,
the stick allows you to move the puck,
the helmet (with some luck) will protect your head.

My arena is an elementary school.
My gear is what ever I decide to wear that day.
My bunions are a part of me and there is no denying them.
They scream at me if I even look at a pair of heels.
So although I try to dress in contemporary fashion my shoes keep out of "high fashion".
Frankly it's a blessing.  
I envy the woman that can wear the heels and be safe and comfortable in them at the same time.  That woman is not me.

And so it is with flat shoes and comfortable clothes
I head to the school I teach in.  
I also make sure I have an extra layer of clothes.
It is not so much that there are hot and cold spots in the building.
There are.
But it is more that I am living in the body of a menopausal woman.
A menopausal woman with extreme hot flashes.

So that's my gear on a day to day basis.  
What's yours?