Tuesday, May 17, 2011


It's just a ball game and only a little league game at that
or is it?
In Eli's eyes this is his future
Actually his future has many possible directions
MLB, NHL, or policeman with his buddy Luca
He was recently considering being a chef
but decided that was boring
Cooking in my house is nothing like
Buddy in Cake Boss

It is exciting to dream
It is more exciting to watch dreams take place
dreams take risk, luck, and determination

My dreams:
Peace Corps
Speak a second Language
Travel and live abroad
Marry a great guy
Grad School for both Tim and I
My Words by Tracey business
Photography business (dream in progress stage)
Family trip to Europe in four years (we started a Euro account)
Now the dreams are in large part kid centered
Help the kids develop into great people
Support the kids in their dreams
whatever they may be
as often as they change

today those dreams
professional sports
professional dancer
we'll see
the determination to reach the dream
has to come from within
the drive 
the courage
the dertermination

What are Your Dreams?
What are you doing to make it real?

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