Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I have waited for spring for a long time
I am still waiting

Waiting more would be good for us
the wait helps up appreciate the gift of whatever we are waiting for

My friend Harlan Wickre told me once that long stop lights
are good practice for patience - we need that

Many people don't enjoy the wait
What if we decided to enjoy the wait?

What if we carried a book with us at all times
or a camera
or a notebook
or just decided to sing as we wait

Having kids has allowed me to learn to wait
I wait in my car a lot
I wait in the car for the kids to get ready to leave the house
it's better than nagging
"I'll be in the car" a statement

I wait in parking lots
I wait in lobbies
In bleachers
in auditoriums

I meet people while I wait
I finish books while I wait
I take pictures while I wait
I sleep while I wait
I discover things while I wait
sometimes I explore while I wait

Today I played Angry Birds while I waited

How do you wait?

1 comment:

The Shaws said...

I grade papers while I wait....