Sunday, March 20, 2011

IT All sTaRTeD wiTh a BiKE

Remember you first bike?
Mine was a green Schwinn

Good Things happen when you learn to bike
It's a path way to independence
Play with the big kids
Be a big kid

Melanie learned to ride to a bike
It led to good things
It led to many bikes
Many rides

One ride, a big kid ride
Ride the Rockies
350 miles
A ride with her dad

Ian was there
Nice guy

Fast Forward 2011
Ian and Melanie Get Married
A delicate bike theme
Texas wedding
Cowboy boots
A vintage orange schwinn stingray banana seat bike

Eli rides the bike in the wedding
Not the ring bearer
The Town Crier
"Here Comes the Bride!!!"

Good things start with a bike
Memories among them
What's yours?

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

I love this Tracey!!! Miss you.