Wednesday, June 8, 2011

SAy iT In DiXiE CuPS . . . ThE NuNS DiD

I know what it says, but I don't get it


I like that I don't get it
Because it makes me think
I now am spending time
Thinking, wondering, hypothesizing
I went out of my way
To take the picture
I took a detour home
To show my daughter

We spent time talking about what it might mean
These four simple words
spelled out in dixie cups
shoved into the links 
on a chain link fence
A fence owned by Nuns
The nuns of Assissi Heights

That brought a smile to our faces right there
Shoving hundreds of cups
Into a chain link fence
Spelling out a phrase
To share with
The masses
In our imaginations
The nuns were wearing habits
In reality . . . . Not

The nuns are lucky to have a chain link fence
I wish I had one
Not to fence anything in or out
I just think its a great canvas
 for words

What words would you put
on your chain link fence today?

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