Monday, June 20, 2011

WhaT In TArnaTioN?!

A puddle and kids
"What in Tarnation?!"

I grew up on 
"What in Tarnation?!"
It was always used as an expletive
or a euphemism
for an expletive

When I hid the beer in the grill
(I was only 18)
"What in Tarnation?!"

When, as a college graduate
I quit the 9-5 job
with benefits
at Northwest Mortgage
to Waitress
at Chi Chi's 
"What in Tarnation?!"

When I joined the Peace Corps
"What in Tarnation?!"

The origin of "What in Tarnation?!"
A term used by those south of the Mason-Dixon line. 
Used to describe suprising or shocking situations 
(similiar usage as "what the f**k")

Such inventions as
 and “goldarn” 
were all devised to disguise exclamations 
that would have been considered 
shocking in polite society.

Today we could add
to that list.

Any Others?


Susan said...

I once was pondering where the phrase "what in tarnation" came from (and whether tarnation was really a word) and had a revelation that maybe it was a hillbilly drawl (a la Granny on the Beverly Hillbillies) for "what in the entire nation?" I have always wondered if that was correct.

Susie said...

Verrrrry inter-r-r-resting, Susan...I never thought about it that way...