Sunday, June 5, 2011


I walked into the room and the spit wads started flying

I woke up
made my bed
crisp white sheets
sunny morning light
I love this time of day
until . . . . 

I walked downstairs
and into the lives of my family
and then it started
SPIT WADS.......
"Mom . . . 
"You said you'd make pancakes for breakfast"
"I need help with my homework"
"I need to study my states and capitols"
"Where is my ball uniform"
"Do you know where my cap is"
"My sweater needs ironing" 

I don't mind helping with the needs of my children
But when those needs are presented to me
One after the other from both sides of the room
Aghhhh. . . . . please stop!!!

*Note - I am not a single parent

My husband was reading 
Drinking a cup of coffee
On the couch
ESPN on the TV
With no demands being made on him
How come?

He's a willing participant

Shelter from spitballs that's what I crave 
on mornings like these
often my 'spit wad shelter' is 
Dunn Brothers - North
all by myself
I love the coffee
I love the crowds of people
 the hustle and bustle
 the "peace"
It's peaceful because although
it's full of conversation and laughter and meetings
I am not responsible for any of it
I can choose to tune in or tune out at will

Where do you find shelter 
from the spit wads?

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