Friday, June 10, 2011


My Memory Sucks

That's why I take so many pictures
Because honestly
If I don't have a picture of it
It pretty much didn't happen
At least as far as my memory of the event is concerned

Here's a Dad Video taping his daughter
An amazing dancer
That memory will live on

My daughter is my memory
in many ways
She remembers dates
like nobodies business
She remembers where we sat
what we saw
what year it was

I wish she could remember to
pick up her bathroom
(that's probably not really a memory issue)

Life is about experiences
It's nice to remember them

Life is about little kids turning into big kids
It's nice to remember them being little

I depend on my camera
to capture what my mind
can't seem to do anymore

It's all we have
take a picture
draw a picture
write a picture
create a memory

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