Monday, June 20, 2011

WhaT In TArnaTioN?!

A puddle and kids
"What in Tarnation?!"

I grew up on 
"What in Tarnation?!"
It was always used as an expletive
or a euphemism
for an expletive

When I hid the beer in the grill
(I was only 18)
"What in Tarnation?!"

When, as a college graduate
I quit the 9-5 job
with benefits
at Northwest Mortgage
to Waitress
at Chi Chi's 
"What in Tarnation?!"

When I joined the Peace Corps
"What in Tarnation?!"

The origin of "What in Tarnation?!"
A term used by those south of the Mason-Dixon line. 
Used to describe suprising or shocking situations 
(similiar usage as "what the f**k")

Such inventions as
 and “goldarn” 
were all devised to disguise exclamations 
that would have been considered 
shocking in polite society.

Today we could add
to that list.

Any Others?

Monday, June 13, 2011


Click on the link above and watch a little video I put together
An Excellent Adventure
Very Cool People
Handmade Brick Hearth
Fresh baked Bread
An Artist
A Musician
A store so we can buy the cool stuff

Get Inspired
Two People took a dream and ran with it
You've gotta see what they are creating
Susan and Roger

Friday, June 10, 2011


My Memory Sucks

That's why I take so many pictures
Because honestly
If I don't have a picture of it
It pretty much didn't happen
At least as far as my memory of the event is concerned

Here's a Dad Video taping his daughter
An amazing dancer
That memory will live on

My daughter is my memory
in many ways
She remembers dates
like nobodies business
She remembers where we sat
what we saw
what year it was

I wish she could remember to
pick up her bathroom
(that's probably not really a memory issue)

Life is about experiences
It's nice to remember them

Life is about little kids turning into big kids
It's nice to remember them being little

I depend on my camera
to capture what my mind
can't seem to do anymore

It's all we have
take a picture
draw a picture
write a picture
create a memory


You might as well look good

When you've got a medical condition
You try to make the best of it
You try to give it some style

I have an obvious medical condition
I wear corrective lenses
I decided about 15 years ago
That if I was going to wear glasses
I was going to wear art
So with that in mind
I vowed to change out the frames
every two years
Keep changing
Whaa laa!!
Medical Condition With Style

The challenge was
Buying the lenses
Where to go
I want 
'inspired eye wear'

I found my new store
Eye Q
Subway level
If you find Carroll's Corn
Your just a skip away from

My neice wears an ankle brace 
with style
My neighbor wears a wig 
with style
When I broke my arm
Sling . . . with style
Need support walking?
Cane . . . with style
Hat . . . with style
Drink Coffee?
mug. . . with style

We don't get to choose our
conditions in life
But we can choose how to wear them

Wear your condition with style

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

SAy iT In DiXiE CuPS . . . ThE NuNS DiD

I know what it says, but I don't get it


I like that I don't get it
Because it makes me think
I now am spending time
Thinking, wondering, hypothesizing
I went out of my way
To take the picture
I took a detour home
To show my daughter

We spent time talking about what it might mean
These four simple words
spelled out in dixie cups
shoved into the links 
on a chain link fence
A fence owned by Nuns
The nuns of Assissi Heights

That brought a smile to our faces right there
Shoving hundreds of cups
Into a chain link fence
Spelling out a phrase
To share with
The masses
In our imaginations
The nuns were wearing habits
In reality . . . . Not

The nuns are lucky to have a chain link fence
I wish I had one
Not to fence anything in or out
I just think its a great canvas
 for words

What words would you put
on your chain link fence today?

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Never Leave Home Without A Sharpie

Never leave home without a Sharpie

Oh sure it's fun to watch the game
But for the under 16 crowd
Its all about balls and autographs

We go to a lot of local ball games
We host a Honker's player
So of course that is a draw
We not only know the player's names
But we have one sleeping in a bed in our house
He's 21
So chances are he'll even drink our beer

At the ball park . . . .
We all have our idea of what we want from the outing
I want a Honker Red Beer and Sunflower Seeds
My husband will have the same
My son wants his glove, a sharpie, and permission
to hang out by the bull pen
waiting for fly balls
and if they don't come
he's hoping a friendly ball player
will toss a ball his way
My daughter wants to bring a friend

It's a ball game, but it's not complete
 Without the details of
What we have created of the event
Then it becomes a tradition

traditions hold
and a history

Sunday, June 5, 2011

ThE ChAlleNGe diDn'T StOp 'Em

Somethings deserve another look

Somethings make you smile

As I was driving down the street today
I passed these two fun loving dudes
going in the opposite direction
on a tandem bike
the guy in front had his feet up
they looked like they were having so much fun

I did a U-turn and drove down the street ahead of them
so I could get out of my car and take their picture
It is a quiet Sunday Morning
I yelled as they approached
"Can I Take Your Picture?"
so I clicked away
"Thanks Guys!"
"No, Thank you"

Upon further inspection of the shots I took
I realized this was truly a special ride
The second rider
in the bike helmet
is blind
and he's the power guy
The front guy 
Is the eyes
 The brakes

I love positive people
I love people who take an obstacle 
as a challenge
as an opportunity
Who says a blind guy can't ride a bike?
Not these two guys

If you know these men
Let me know who they are
I'd like to know more about their story

What obstacle/challenge have you turned
into an opportunity?


I walked into the room and the spit wads started flying

I woke up
made my bed
crisp white sheets
sunny morning light
I love this time of day
until . . . . 

I walked downstairs
and into the lives of my family
and then it started
SPIT WADS.......
"Mom . . . 
"You said you'd make pancakes for breakfast"
"I need help with my homework"
"I need to study my states and capitols"
"Where is my ball uniform"
"Do you know where my cap is"
"My sweater needs ironing" 

I don't mind helping with the needs of my children
But when those needs are presented to me
One after the other from both sides of the room
Aghhhh. . . . . please stop!!!

*Note - I am not a single parent

My husband was reading 
Drinking a cup of coffee
On the couch
ESPN on the TV
With no demands being made on him
How come?

He's a willing participant

Shelter from spitballs that's what I crave 
on mornings like these
often my 'spit wad shelter' is 
Dunn Brothers - North
all by myself
I love the coffee
I love the crowds of people
 the hustle and bustle
 the "peace"
It's peaceful because although
it's full of conversation and laughter and meetings
I am not responsible for any of it
I can choose to tune in or tune out at will

Where do you find shelter 
from the spit wads?