Thursday, May 12, 2011

THe WhEEl of the TRactoR

The wagon was full of corn
we sat on the pile of corn
Grandpa drove the tractor
Our Destination 
Greenleafton, MN
When we got there 
the corn got ground at the mill
We got a spring grove soda
orange was my favorite

Cherry Grove 
 another favorite place
grandpa even had a shuffleboard. . .  (court?)
in the attic of the hen house

Grandpa drove the tractor
I sat on his knee
we parked on the side of the field
Grandpa walked into the field to . . . 
pick weeds, rocks, look around??
 I looked long and hard at the tractor

I started the tractor 
I'd seen grandpa do it a hundred times
I just pushed the button
It started right up
then I didn't know what to do
Grandpa looked up from the field
walked over 
he wasn't happy
He told me to go back to the house
it was a half mile walk 
up that gravel road to the farm house
I'm sorry grandpa
I was 8
I loved my grandpa
I loved being at the farm

Grandpa's farm holds great memories for me
Lawrence Welk
Rootbeer floats
The chicken coop
The barn
The smell of hay
The apple orchard
Getting water from the pump
The tin cup hanging from a wire hook
Grandma making homemade play dough
Juicy fruit gum
pink wintergreen mints

Memories, all of them
jogged today
by a picture of a tractor wheel

Look at something today
what does it bring back to you?

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