Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I miss too many opportunities

The baby bird picture above was an opportunity 
that fell in my lap
Last summer we replaced the deck boards
One at a time
We pulled up one particular board 
a robin nest with newly hatched babes
was sitting there
Get Your Camera!!!
 opportunity captured

There are also the opportunities that I consciously let pass
Those opportunities often involve a photo opportunity
I hate it when I don't recognize an opportunity
until it has passed
Like when family gets together
Like when friends get together

Some opportunities are unplanned and mean that I need 
To stop in my path or change course
Sometimes I'm just too lazy, late or self conscious
to do what it takes to get the picture

The thing is
when I pass up an opportunity
I may not get it back
the day will be different
It will never be what it was

I have become so much more aware of 
Since I started shooting pictures

Life Opportunities

Opportunities take risk
Peace Corp
taking a stand
raising your hand
saying your piece
speaking your mind
starting a business
trying something new
helping a friend
helping a stranger
taking a class
investing money
spending money

be wise
be aware
look for opportunities
an opportunity passed 
is an opportunity missed

what opportunity have you missed, regrettably?
what opportunity have you seized?
for better or worse

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