Gorgeous Bride, Handsome Groom
Cute, Sweet Couple
Easy to work with
A Kiss framed between the bride's maids
It was not hard to be me on this day
BUT...Some days it's hard to be me
It's hard to be me when
I forget stuff
I hate days like that
We went to the cities once
When we got 40 miles out of town
We stopped for coffee
ummm...I realized I had forgotten my shoes
It was hard to be me on this day
Good thing they sold farm boots at the gas station
Today when I drove 50 miles
for a great picture I had been planning
I got there just at sunset
Reached in back for the camera
I had forgotten the camera
It was hard to be me today
Good thing I had a back up picture
It's hardest to be me when my
forgetfulness impacts others
Like the time I forgot that I had promised
to drive my friend
catch a shuttle bus to the airport
So he could catch a plane to Denver
Sorry Paul
Is it a funny story yet?
I like being me
except when it's hard
When is it hard being you?
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