Tuesday, April 12, 2011

GrOW DaMmiT!!

This time of year excites me and confuses me all at once
I love watching things grow and the daily changing landscape
The days get warmer and longer and happier
Ok, it's me that gets happier

The confusion sets in as I try my hand at gardening
well, I call it gardening
I think a true "gardener" would cringe at 
my style, lack of knowledge, and absolute ignorance
What I really am doing I guess is planting
I also do a pretty good job of watering
then there is a lot of guessing that I do

The guessing comes in when I weed 
(is it a "good plant" or a "rotten weed")
I honestly can't tell 
Last year I started pulling blue bells out until
Thank God
My Neighbor asked me why I didn't like blue bells
And if I didn't want them She'd gladly take them
I said, "oh, they aren't a weed?"  duh

I have raspberry bushes too
I know these aren't a weed
but they are a"rotten plant" in my garden
They have chutzpah (and thorns) and not near enough berries
for the effort - these guys are taking over!!!
A "Gardener" would probably know how or learn to tame the beast
I just want the beast to go away

I love a beautiful garden
I just don't know how to get there

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