Tuesday, April 26, 2011


It went by and I couldn't help but turn my head
I wanted to yell "Come back!"
I had so many questions
Where did you get that?
Why do you have that?
What did you pay for that?
Where are you going in that?
Who are you?

I have these questions or similar questions frequently

I often want to talk to the beggar on the corner
I see him everyday on my way to work
one day I'll take his picture
but only after I donate to his cause
What is his cause?
Why do you do that?
Where are you going?
Where are you from?
Where is your family?
What is your story?
The questions probably won't get any closer
to the beggar than the inside of my head

Once upon a time
Studio Art Academy High School Commissioned an artist
 Bryan Andreas
To paint a wall mural on the outside of the building
It was art, it was interesting, it made you think
 it made me smile
The Rep Theater bought that building
They painted over the art
They painted the building an off white color
They painted over the art, the interest, the eye candy
Now stands a boring, nondescript building
Why did you that?
What were the conversations?
What is the story?

I am curious
I have so many questions
sometimes I am brave enough to ask
Sometimes I am unable to ask
But I know that unless I ask
I have no truth
just questions

Sunday, April 24, 2011


It may look beautiful and perfect
But that's only because you don't see the cracks
Be kind to each other

We live in a Good Friday World
A World with cracks
A World with heart break and difficulty

We are Easter Sunday People
Filled with hope, faith, and a God that loves us
A Big God
A God that stands by us in times of hardship

We all have cracks in our lives
Among my family and friends today:
A Widower
An ovarian cancer survivor
A mother of three adopted children
A beautiful young deaf woman
A liver transplant recipient
A former bulimic
A single mother
Three teenagers
Four elementary students
Two young adult twenty somethings
Legal issues
Money stresses
Friendship concerns
Broken hearts

We are all trying to find our way in life
God is with us on our journey
That journey is not always easy
But God does not let us travel alone

We were blessed today to be together
To hug, hold hands, talk 
To have great weather 
To enjoy terrific food
To laugh 
To pray
To have an Easter Egg Hunt

Be kind to one another
You can't see the cracks
But the cracks are there
I have them
You have them

Saturday, April 23, 2011

He wAS SuPPosEd to BE in MeXiCO

He was supposed to be in Mexico, but the passport wasn't his

When your wife dies you gradually sort through things in the house
Gift the jewelry to the granddaughters 
Take clothes and shoes to Salvation Army
Go through the paper work

Annie is getting married in Mexico
Marlene would have loved to have been there
Lee made plans to go without her

Two weeks ago he got the passports out
Put the passports on the desk
He looked at Marlene's passport
remembering some of the trips abroad they have taken
He won't need Marlene's passport again
He decides to throw it away

Two days ago Lee gets up to go to Mexico
Grabs his passport
Looks at his passport
It's the wrong passport
He is holding Marlene's passport
Which means he thew his own away the other day

He was supposed to be in Mexico, but the passport wasn't his

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Akimbo /uh-KIM-boh/ adjective 
with hand on hip and elbow bent outward

I stood arms akimbo
The forecast was for 3-5"

Then I took this picture 
 arms akimbo
are you serious?!
Litter under the bench
Red coke bottle
it's the splash of color 
this monotone photo needs

Went to work today
walked into the classroom
walked to my desk
arms akimbo
what the heck
my hand lotion is missing

I think akimbo is fun word
I stand arms akimbo often
never knew what to call it

what's your akimbo story?

Monday, April 18, 2011


This DQ on Broadway has been around since I've been a kid
It's Spring when the dairy queen opens
Well, in my mind anyway

There are somethings that signify change
DQ has always been one of those things for me

March used to be my "spring is here" month
It just has a spring sound to it
that got too frustrating
March is definitely not spring
Especially not this year
Heck, April isn't even spring this year
Snow Storm??!?!
Are you serious?!
Mid April

Baseball is my "summer is coming" 

July 4th
Marks the beginning of the end of summer

September is "A new start" month
I'm a teacher ....

December says the year is half way done
still in a teacher head

How do you mark your seasons?

Sunday, April 17, 2011

bReAK a LeG!!!

Our family is part of the Rochester Dance Company
I say our family because it truly is a family event
Quinn is the artist within the family
She gets to preform
I put in the mandatory volunteer hours
We drive to rehearsals
provide bobby pins, make up, hairspray
lots of hairspray
spend long weekends watching
the culmination of all the work

I was in a play in 5th grade
Something about a Gumdrop Dragon
I was Lady Lemon Drop

I liked the socializing
being part of a whole
creating something
presenting the something
accepting the accolades
moving on to something else

It doesn't have to be a performance
But community and creating or working toward something to be proud of
I think we all desire to have that in our life

I have friends that get that from scrap booking
I get that from my photography and my photo buddies
My husband finds that in his biking group
Book Club fulfills that for me too

What communities are you proud to be a part of?
Communities that help you grow and nurture a  love of something.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

goLf (#57)

Went to the golf course today
With my camera
One guy asked if I was taking pictures of my awesome swing
I wish I had one to take a picture of

I was on a letter hunt
I took pictures of an O, L, F
Hmmmmm now to find a G
these pictures will be great in a word
for the golf nut in mind

I should have the letters posted on the website tomorrow
An Art Festival Jury contacted me
Wanted to know if I bought the pictures I sell
I do all my own footwork
And having a blast

I love art fair season
Thursdays on First 
Opens June 9th

Are You Ready?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A bAll (#56)

A ball is just a thing
or is it?

Have a ball
You've got balls
The Ball and Chain
Play Ball!!

GrOW DaMmiT!!

This time of year excites me and confuses me all at once
I love watching things grow and the daily changing landscape
The days get warmer and longer and happier
Ok, it's me that gets happier

The confusion sets in as I try my hand at gardening
well, I call it gardening
I think a true "gardener" would cringe at 
my style, lack of knowledge, and absolute ignorance
What I really am doing I guess is planting
I also do a pretty good job of watering
then there is a lot of guessing that I do

The guessing comes in when I weed 
(is it a "good plant" or a "rotten weed")
I honestly can't tell 
Last year I started pulling blue bells out until
Thank God
My Neighbor asked me why I didn't like blue bells
And if I didn't want them She'd gladly take them
I said, "oh, they aren't a weed?"  duh

I have raspberry bushes too
I know these aren't a weed
but they are a"rotten plant" in my garden
They have chutzpah (and thorns) and not near enough berries
for the effort - these guys are taking over!!!
A "Gardener" would probably know how or learn to tame the beast
I just want the beast to go away

I love a beautiful garden
I just don't know how to get there

Monday, April 11, 2011

iT's NoT eASy BeINg Me (#54)

Gorgeous Bride, Handsome Groom
Cute, Sweet Couple
Easy to work with
A Kiss framed between the bride's maids
It was not hard to be me on this day

BUT...Some days it's hard to be me
It's hard to be me when 
I forget stuff
I hate days like that

We went to the cities once
When we got 40 miles out of town
We stopped for coffee
ummm...I realized I had forgotten my shoes
It was hard to be me on this day
Good thing they sold farm boots at the gas station

Today when I drove 50 miles
for a great picture I had been planning
I got there just at sunset
Reached in back for the camera
I had forgotten the camera
It was hard to be me today
Good thing I had a back up picture

It's hardest to be me when my
forgetfulness impacts others

Like the time I forgot that I had promised
to drive my friend 
catch a shuttle bus to the airport
So he could catch a plane to Denver
Sorry Paul
Is it a funny story yet?

I like being me
except when it's hard

When is it hard being you?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

BlACk & WhITe

Sometimes things look better in black and white
Which isn't really black and white
Look at all the shades of gray
The contrast is more obvious
There is drama implied

Friday, April 8, 2011

HaPPy BiRtHDaY MaRLenE!!

Tim's Mom's birthday is tomorrow

This picture was taken on the last day
 Tim's mom was in our house
I remember that day
A perfect day that almost didn't happen

Tim's mom had been in a Nursing home for a couple of years
But we'd take her out for outings

At Christmas 2009 our gift to Marlene (Tim's mom)
Was a dinner at our house with anyone she wanted
We'd send out the invitations, we'd serve

She invited 2 couples - her best friends

9 months later
Schedules matched, nice weather
Dinner at our house on a Monday evening
The Lewellen's and McCann's
Lee and Marlene

Beautiful Day
Drinks and appetizers on the deck
Dinner and desert and friends and stories in the dining room
It was so much fun

Marlene got sick two days later
she never recovered
and died about six weeks later

We miss Marlene a lot
But we love and hold onto
 that last great memory

Happy Birthday Marlene
She'd be 79 tomorrow

Thursday, April 7, 2011

MoRNiNg = SaNgUiNE

Why do I sometimes forget about this great time of day?

I love mornings
I love the peace of the day at dawn
Ok this is a little later than dawn
But dawn is my goal
The glow from the sun is warm and inviting

There are no demands on my day yet
The voice I hear is my own
My to do list
Looks possible this time of day

Morning is always there
Waiting for me
I love that

Tomorrow I am meeting my morning
@ 5:15
Breakfast, coffee 
Yoga at 6am

Then a walk with my camera

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I love this great little pink bike
handlebars decked out with pink
It had a bell too (I heart my bike)

The accoutrements used today are "manufactured"
In the old day it was all homemade

We used playing cards and clothes pins on the spokes
I loved that sound when we rode our bikes
Instead of boughten ribbon hanging from the handlebars
I stuffed crepe paper in the holes of the handlebars 
sometimes I even laced crepe paper 
between my spokes
alternating colors

Accoutrements are our way of making something our own
Our way of individualizing what we have
creating a uniqueness out of something that isn't

What have you accoutered lately?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

pUt YouR FeEt UP (hiccup picture)

A Hiccup Picture is a picture
Not  taken today (the hiccup)
But one I've "worked" through editing

This is my journey 
I think I'll define it as I go
The main objective:
Learn and study

Revisit - August 2010
Cassie and Landon's Wedding

Cassie "put her feet up"
between pictures and vows
perfect time

We don't put our "feet up" enough

I put my feet up tonight 
Quinn is at Dance 
 Eli is at Baseball tryouts

When I put my feet up 
I read 
I work on the computer
This is the me time
Please don't talk to me
Just let me be quiet

Ideally my "feet up time"
would be in an empty 
clean house
with a fire 
 a glass of wine
Pandora streamed 
Folk Music (Greg Brown) or Ingrid Michalson 

What does your "feet up time" look like?

Monday, April 4, 2011

THriFt StoRE FiNd - NOt

I love a good Thrift Store
Rochester has gained many over the years
I have a favorite
I am a staunch Salvation Army Girl
Why the Loyalty?

I love their organization
The prices fit me
I know some of the workers by name
The location is often in my path

I like the where my money goes when I shop here

Today I went looking for props for Quinn's dance recital:
Blue or Grey Cardigan
Mickey Mouse Ears
I didn't find either

I wanted it to be an easy hunt
But I may have to work for my treasures....

What treasure have you found at a thrift store?

Tracey's Take: MovIN On... SenIOr PHotOs

Tracey's Take: MovIN On... SenIOr PHotOs

MovIN On... SenIOr PHotOs

 Senior Pictures
With a Most beautiful young woman
 Meet Christiana Johnson
Birthday's on Friday - Coach Shoes came a little early
 UGG Boots Came a little late - on back order from Christmas
 This is a wonderful ruins I found near Simpson
 Across the street and down the road from the ruins is this great graffiti wall
 Silly in a formal 
in a not so formal setting
The Girl Next Door 
(if we were all only so lucky)

Friday, April 1, 2011

FoRM is EvErYThiNg

The Throw 

The Catch

I wouldn't know good form in baseball
I still throw "like a girl"
But if I were learning to play the game 
the form would be important to me

In my journey with photography
I am learning the basics
good technique and good form
I am learning that as in everything
there is a lot to learn 
there is always something to learn
I have new questions everyday

Good form and good technique are the basics
The groundwork for success
Once the form and technique are established 
are free to play around with it
change it up
make it your own

Your questions guide you in learning
Don't be afraid of the questions
Don't be afraid to seek out the answers
learning is work
hard work
the pain is temporary
the journey is where its at
look where you started
know where you are headed
appreciate the road
the bumps
the turns
the view
the memories and the people you meet along the way.