Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Reunion

A Day with the Son/Sun
Eli is a lot of things
good company

He's a McGuire
but he's also a Heusinkveld

I took him to the annual Heusinkveld Reunion
I always hated these as a kid
old people
most of them I didn't know
telling stories
most of them about people I didn't know

Eli at 11 years old was the youngest "Heusinkveld"
The Heusinkvelds are proud of their Dutch heritage
Proud and thankful that many many years ago
one family decided to immigrate to the USA

Every Heusinkveld in America is related
we have a book to prove it

I loved the day
Eli endured it
We talked baseball, ate chicken, and celebrated
our Heusinkveld connection

I will continue to expose the kids
to these "old people"
once in awhile
because even though they are old
and have different last names
they share a history